Extra Bile Duct Disappears

On a Thursday night, a woman came to our healing service along with her husband and young girl. The mom told Pastor Sherry that her daughter had an extra bile duct which was causing a lot of problems. The bile was pouring into her stomach and that was dangerous. Eventually, it could cause cancer. Surgery was scheduled.

Pastor Sherry commanded that extra bile duct to disappear and went on.

A month of so later, this family came back. They shared this testimony: “My daughter had to have another scan before surgery. I went to the doctor’s office to hear the results, and the extra bile duct was GONE!”

She went on to say that she asked the doctor if it were possible that the previous scan was mistaken. He told her, “No, it doesn’t work that way. Scans miss things. They don’t add things. We had it measured accurately.”

Praise God! He is the God of Miracles!



Muscle Reattaches


Pepto-bismal Healing